Easy Section Properties for Array of Points © Oct 2022
AISC bolt holes Aug 2022
This code illustrates the readability of Python.
Compare reading the text of AISC 15th Edition Manual, Section J3 to the program statements.
The (W)rapper Tower Sep 2021
Should this be celebrated?
Maybe only as a lesson learned.
Transmission Tower Details Dec 2020
I observed a few details of my neighborhood transmission tower.
Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse
On July 17, 1981, the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, suffered the structural collapse of two overhead walkways. Loaded with partygoers, the concrete and glass platforms cascaded down, crashing onto a tea dance in the lobby, killing 114 and injuring 216. Kansas City society was affected for years, with the collapse resulting in billions of dollars of insurance claims, legal investigations and city government reforms.
The Hyatt had been built just a few years before, during a nationwide pattern of fast-tracked large construction with reduced oversight and major failures. Its roof had partially collapsed during construction, and the ill-conceived skywalk design progressively degraded due to a miscommunication loop of corporate neglect and irresponsibility.