Pipe Flexibility using Julia and Jupyter Jul 2022

Classical 1911 (!!) meets 'High Tech' 2022
I revisited piping flexibility factors by reading:

Then I compared equations from den Hartog, from Kireev et al, and from B31.3 Table D300.

The agreement was quite good.

flexibility comparison

I had three goals:

  • To discover the approach used in classical mechanics to calculate the flexibility factor for curved pipe (ells, for example). Den Hartog describes the calculations performed in 1911 by von Kármán (pages 234-244) as a crowning achievement of the theory of least work.
  • To put Julia, and my bit of working knowledge of it, to a full test including of course the programming of mathematics and functions, but also exploring the packages Symbolics, Plots, and Plotly.
  • To fully explore Julia within Jupyter including how to save Plotly graphics as HTML and how to save a Jupyter notebook as a PDF. This goal was the most difficult to achieve.

Jupyter notebook and LIVE Chart
Julia/Jupyter Notebook PDF Link

Click for Jupyter notebook PDF

Live HTML Chart
(from Cell 27 in the notebook)

This chart illustrates the variation in flexibility factor with varying R/D factors for a 6 inch diameter Schedule 40 pipe.

Click for LIVE Flexibility Chart

Reference Excerpts
Excerpt from Kireev et al

Excerpt from Kireev et al

Excerpt from B31.3 Table D300

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