Mathpix Snip Sep 2021

Mathpix (no relation)
Wow! Impressive.

Take a photo of
a handwritten math problem
and get
the LaTeX code from your smartphone (or computer)

Take a photo on the iPhone, and crop it.

MathPix Equation Screenshot

Submit and voilá.

     \begin{equation} \[ \therefore R_{1}=\left(\frac{q a}{2}\right)\left[2-\alpha^{2}(1+\beta)\right] \end{equation} \]

Here’s the LaTeX code (I added code shown in red to remove the equation number):

\therefore R_{1}=\left(\frac{q a}{2}\right)\left[2-\alpha^{2}(1+\beta)\right] \end{equation}

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