The dataframe is my AISC table of structural steel shapes. This was built from a fundamental set of properties used by all structural engineers. There are approximately 2000 shapes with about 90 properties each.
In day-to-day work, a structural engineer is selecting beams, columns, etc from the AISC shapes and, often, restricting the selection to set dimensions or to set properties — use of multiple criteria would be the norm.
The function uses only three parameters: the criteria range, the reverse sort toggle, and the upper limit on rows of results.
Note that conditional formatting is applied using the PyXLL formatter option.
Database Filter in Action — Video

Full Screenshot
Active Filters
The shape area (‘A’) is restrained:
9 ≤ A ≤ 10
A = 9.13 does match
The shape depth (‘DDET’) is restrained:
DDET = 8
DDET = 8 does match
The shape name (‘AISC_MANUAL_LABEL’) is restrained:
This restricts the shape name to this pattern:
Starts with ‘W’
Then one or more digits
Then an ‘X’
Then zero or more of any characters
‘W8X31’ does match

I offer a code snippet
.. .. from pyxll import async_call from pyxll import xl_app from pyxll import xl_func from pyxll import XLCell from pyxll import xl_macro from pyxll import xl_menu from pyxll import xlcAlert from pyxll import xlfCaller from pyxll import schedule_call from pyxll import get_type_converter from pyxll import DataFrameFormatter, ConditionalFormatter, Formatter .. .. blue_formatter = Formatter(text_color=Formatter.rgb(0, 0, 0xff)) bf = Formatter.rgb(0, 0, 0xff) light_yellow_formatter = Formatter(text_color=bf, interior_color=Formatter.rgb(255, 242, 204)).. .. #this next line is the PyXLL decorator @xl_func("range critstrinp, bool reverseboolinp, int ibxintinp: var", formatter=light_yellow_formatter) def AISC_mult_filt_sort(critstrinp, reverseboolinp=True, ibxintinp=40): """FUNCTION to place filtered sorted (multiple criteria) steel shape list <critstrinp> "criteria for AISC members" <reverseboolinp> "Reverse order (True or False)" <ibxintinp> "Upper limit on output rows count (leave blank for default limit of 40)" """ .. .. crit_string = "" # CT is for 'contains' # as in search_string in str(getattr(db[x], field_name)) # SW is for 'starts with' # as in getattr(db[x], field_name).startswith(search_string) # RE is for 'regular expression' # as in, str(getattr(db[x], field_name))) crits = ["==", ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "!=", "<>", "EE", "EQ", "E", "GT", "LT", "GE", "LE", "NE", "CT", "SW", "RE"] critsbetween = ["<<", "<<=", "<=<", "<=<=", "LTLT", "LTLE", "LELT", "LELE"] .. ..