I put it aside, bought another laptop. Put that one aside, bought another.
Was going to recycle it; give it to the local church guys to refurbish for others to use.
Then I thought — why don’t I just install Linux.
Why am I sharing?
2 Open source is worthy of celebration. The Linux OS has developed over the last third of a century. It’s development and maintenance is a public collaboration.
3 Linux itself: It is a widely used operating system (OS). The OS is used by Android phones, also the top 500 supercomputers, and servers (~95% of the top million web servers ). For smartphones and other mobile devices, Android leads with 72% market share, and Apple’s iOS has 28%. For desktop computers and laptops, Microsoft Windows has 73%, followed by Apple’s macOS at 15%, desktop Linux at 4.5%, then Google’s ChromeOS at 2.25%.
4 This is one of only a handful of successful (physically tangible) repair projects in my lifetime. The outcome exceeded all my expectations.